How to update VetAIS on Mac OSX client.
You can do update with few simple steps:
Note: for VetAIS version 180704 and never you can skip step 5. and 6. and also you can skip it on video manual.
- locate main VetAIS config folder what is usually in main user folder as /Users/user_name/vetais/.config/ or you can use shortcut: «~/vetais/.config/»
- edit file WebConfig.xml and set value ftp_path: Note: in never WebUpdate you can set path directly in WebUpdate
- open folder /vetais/ as «~/vetais/ » and find WebUpdate.jar and run it
- perform download, backup and update of VetAIS
- open terminal and go to main VetAIS folder, in default with command «cd vetais»
- run these commands:
«chmod +x mac-lib»
«exit» - open folder /vetais/ again and run Update.jar (if you are working on Mac client then database update is mostly already done)
- You are finished and can run VetAIS
You can see also check or instruction video bellow.