1) Basic information
2) Installation
3) VetAIS TV settings
1) Basic information
VetAIS TV module is standalone utility what can be used to show on PC screen with list of waiting clients and patients in VetAIS registration queue.
2) Installation
VetAIS TV can be started directly from VetAIS in Connection manager, tab services. Another way is starting VetAIS TV with this simple vetaistv.bat file (if its missing in your installation, it can be created manually:
vetaistv.bat content (if you have VetAIS installed in different drive or location, change red colored path accordinaly): |
@echo off
cd c:\vetais start c:\vetais\jre\bin\javaw -Xms32M -Xmx512M -Duser.country=RU -Duser.language=ru -Duser.variant=Traditional_WIN -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar vetaistv.jar |
After start, please set connection to database details:
Default login: potgres
Default password: vetais
Default port: 5454
If you have different settings, change it accordinaly. After you set settings, please click to Save to store changes. If your settings is well, VetAIS TV is restarted and you will see similar image like bellow:
3) VetAIS TV settings
To set settings of VetAIS TV please click on VetAIS logo in top right corner. After that you will see window with settings like on image bellow: