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PostgreSQL обновление на новую версию

Important: Postgre cannot be upgraded by simple installation of new version. All databases need to be exported and imported to new version.
Here is only exception when do update of minor versions like 15.2 to 15.3, in this case can be copied whole Postgre data folder, always check documentation before.
If you will keep these settings for new Postgre installation:
  • use same TCP port like before
  • use same Postgres user main password
  • use same database name like for previous Postgre
You do not need do changes on VetAIS clients and clients will work after you start new Postge server.
Recommended steps for upgrade to new PostgeSQL version:
1) switch off all VetAIS clients
2) Do full database backup (can be done via VetAIS or as postgre command like pg_dump (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/app-pgdump.html) — this is faster as can be dumped as special PostgreSQL file
3) Stop current Postgre and change TCP port in configuration file (postgresql.conf) to 5455
4) Disable old Postgre service to avoid unwanted start after PC restart etc.
5) Rename current data folder, typically c:\vetais_data\ to another name
6) Install new version of Postgre, software destination folder use whatever you want, data folder can be same as c:\vetais_data\ or depends to your needs
7) for new installation ser port TCP 5454
8) set same «postgres» password like for previous Postgre server
9) after instalation create database with same name like on old server
10) restore db backup to new database

11) allow network connection in pg_hba.conf file to your network segment (you can check your original settings in old Postgre installation)

12) start new Postge and try VetAIS

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