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VetAIS update on Mac OSX

How to update VetAIS on Mac OSX client.

You can do update with few simple steps:

Note: for VetAIS version 180704 and never you can skip step 5. and 6. and also you can skip it on video manual.

  1. locate main VetAIS config folder what is usually in main user folder as /Users/user_name/vetais/.config/ or you can use shortcut: «~/vetais/.config/»
  2. edit file WebConfig.xml and set value ftp_path: Note: in never WebUpdate you can set path directly in WebUpdate
  3. open folder /vetais/ as «~/vetais/ » and find WebUpdate.jar and run it
  4. perform download, backup and update of VetAIS
  5. open terminal and go to main VetAIS folder, in default with command «cd vetais»
  6. run these commands:
    «chmod +x mac-lib»
  7. open folder /vetais/ again and run Update.jar (if you are working on Mac client then database update is mostly already done)
  8. You are finished and can run VetAIS

You can see also check or instruction video bellow.


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