VetAIS how-to for database export, import or merge data
In VetAIS is possible to export/import clients and patients data and basic medical history. Economical information as bills etc. are not migrated.
Migration are realised to export into special files stored on computer where can be copied into another computer and used for database merging also.
Export/import module is available in Connection manager, tab Services in menu as you can see on Image bellow.
- into box «Select directory for import/export» please set folder where you want to store exported files or you already have imported files
- box «Specify client IDs to export» select ID or range if you are interested to export selected clients only
- checkbox «Export case history with medical data» use if you want to export medical data of patients also
Recommended workflow for database merge (example):
This is example for merging two databases into one.
- do backup of all databases!
- start VetAIS on database1 and export all files into c:\export
- start VetAIS on database2, select folder c:\export and import
- All files from database1 will be imported into database2