VetAIS during start automatically check pre-configured NTP server to compare with local time.
In case of internet connection problem or problems with configured server you can do following settings:
a) in XML configuration you can set flag «skip_ntp_server_date_time_check» to 1 to disable whole check (available in version from 202104XX and older)
or set each separate server
b) in XML as ntp_server1,ntp_server2,ntp_server3 or ntp_server4 values
c) this settings can be also editable in «.config/» folder in file with name corresponging with PC name, for example on PC with name «mylab» is configuration file with name «settings_mylab.xml», here you can find tag «skip_ntp_server_date_time_check:0» and change it to «skip_ntp_server_date_time_check:1»