VetAIS support import existing pricelist in CSV format.
Existing Excel file can be easily transfered from Excel compatible format but need to including these columns.
itemname — mandatory field including name of item withour quotes like » or ‘
unit — mandatory field, for example piece, mililiter etd.
price — mandatory field including just number without currency! currency is selected in VetAIS before import
mrm_producer — not mandatory field, you can leave it empty
mrm_code — not mandatory field, you can leave it empty
itemcode — not mandatory field, you can leave it empty or you can use any string as code
eancode — not mandatory field, you can leave it empty or use simple number as EAN code
description — not mandatory field, you can leave it empty
Before import please store your Excel file into text CSV format in UTF-8 codepage. We recommended to use LibreOffice or OpenOffice to store into CSV.
During import default settings will be used for VAT and unit. Units in CVS will be automatically created in VetAIS.
Important notes:
— field delimiter should be semicollon ;
— do not use any quotes like » or .
— decimal divider in number should be dot .
— for each item have to be just one price
— price have to be number! formats like «up — to» for example «100 — 300» is not allowed or expession like «from XY»
— price as thousands can´t be divided by special character, for example «2 250» is not allowed
— please keep in mind that most changes you can do by selecting all rows in price column in LibreOffice/OpenOffice and change cell format or cell type
— first line need to specified all fields, no matter is some are empty or not, for example: «itemname;unit;price;mrm_producer;mrm_code;itemcode;eancode;description»
— order of fields is not mandatory
— if error occured please see log file or error message
Attached you see example file here: pricelist example