For remote access into VetAIS you can use WebSwing technology thanks to you can provide VetAIS via classic web browser. To set up you need to follow these steps: WebSwing need to be configured and running on some PC, mostly server in your network in your router device what you use for Internet access you need to set «NAT port forwarding» or «Virtual PC» or «Demilitarized zone» to this local IP for access you can […]
Автор: Support
VetAIS — database backup and restore (move to another server)
This manual describing steps for backup and restore your database, can be used also in moments you need to migrate your database into new server. 1.Backup procedure For backup your database you can use these three methods: — automatic backuping via VetAIS utility «dbbackup.jar» — manual backup from VetAIS (after login as Administrator in «Menu» -> «Settings» -> tab «Backup» -> do full database backup — backup raw data of PostgreSQL (in default are data […]
VetAIS version information
Here you can see list of currect VetAIS version including version of supported systems. VetAIS software version: 180808-1015 VetAIS database version: 180723-2320 Supported systems: VIKI Print firmware minimal version: 663 Pirit 1F minimal version: 163 Pirit 1F minimal version: 564
Pricelist import from Excel/CSV
VetAIS support import existing pricelist in CSV format. Existing Excel file can be easily transfered from Excel compatible format but need to including these columns. itemname — mandatory field including name of item withour quotes like » or ‘ unit — mandatory field, for example piece, mililiter etd. price — mandatory field including just number without currency! currency is selected in VetAIS before import mrm_producer — not mandatory field, you can leave it empty mrm_code — not mandatory field, you […]
VetAIS database export,import,merge
VetAIS how-to for database export, import or merge data In VetAIS is possible to export/import clients and patients data and basic medical history. Economical information as bills etc. are not migrated. Migration are realised to export into special files stored on computer where can be copied into another computer and used for database merging also. Export/import module is available in Connection manager, tab Services in menu as you can see on Image bellow. into box […]
VetAIS update on Mac OSX
How to update VetAIS on Mac OSX client. You can do update with few simple steps: Note: for VetAIS version 180704 and never you can skip step 5. and 6. and also you can skip it on video manual. locate main VetAIS config folder what is usually in main user folder as /Users/user_name/vetais/.config/ or you can use shortcut: «~/vetais/.config/» edit file WebConfig.xml and set value ftp_path: Note: in never WebUpdate you can set path directly in […]
Database migration
Please see instruction for database migration of VetAIS system. VetAIS database is managed by PostgreSQL engine version 9.X or never. In default configuration are database files stored in «c:\vetais_data\» and on Windows-based systems is created system service with name «vetais_postgres». Note: this can differ in manual installation. 1. Database migration with SQL dump 1.1) close all VetAIS instances on all stations 1.2) on server machine do database backup from VetAIS or via dbbackup.jar utility 1.3) […]